Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NFL Hall of Famers Files in Search of Better Benefits Package

Minneapolis - While NFL Snapbacks and players appeared to be the Union's long-term blockade of the slow resolution, some retired players groups clamoring to become more involved in discussions.

The group on Monday in federal court owners and active players on the class action complaint, saying they had from their participation in mediation, trying to end the place will be excluded lock.

Named plaintiffs, including Hall of Famers Carl Eller, Franco Harris, Marcus - Allen and Paul Rock Rolls is to ask the U.S. District Court Judge Susan Richard Nelson put a stop she ordered mediation, and announced that the current players can not negotiate on behalf of those who are retired.

Owners and current players met five times in the past few weeks as they work to form a new collective bargaining agreement of the time, to avoid the loss of training camps and competitions. They met with U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Boylan in Minneapolis last week, more than 15 hours, including on Thursday, will resume on Tuesday in New York.

Said the retired players, NFL owners, NFL Players Association and the current group of players, including star quarterback Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and Yi is the "conspiracy down pension and disability allowance will be paid to the former NFL Hats for player In order to maximize the salary and benefits to current NFL players. "

In the NFL refused to complaints, this is the first comment by the New York Times reported. NFLPA spokesman for the Associated Press left messages seeking comment.

Complaints are a problem for quite some time building the core. Retired players are divided over how the income is more than $ 9 billion dispute marginalized.

Lock, the owner of the players in March this year, NFLPA dissolved their group's antitrust prosecution of violations of the league. A retired players, including Ariel, Obafemi Ayanbadejo, and Ryan Collins, brought a small group of former players looking for more and better medical help Alliance own pension litigation.

Nelson with two lawsuits, as well as retired players, including Michael Hausfeld Eller and lawyers as early as a few representatives to attend the mediation meeting in Minneapolis.

But as negotiations heat up, and the venue has moved from Twin Cities, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois and back to Minneapolis in the past month or so again, retired players are not present.

This is not sit well with them, and lawyers for the group of letters sent to Elan, lobbying and media commissioner  strong briefings, make their feelings known.

Complained that the decision to decertify the players union, making it the owners retired and active players in violation of antitrust law negotiate the players.

It also said, MILB Hats are that the water in terms of internal and external sources of income the salary cap to help retired players, union representatives, including DeMaurice Smith hope all of the first active player to be appointed to give money.

"By addressing their forging, Brady plaintiff, NFLPA and the NFL defendants conspired to artificially set low level of pension benefits and retirees," complaint allegation.

Nelson rejected a mediation if the ban motion, retired players are required to treble damages.

It is not clear what impact the record would be between the owners and current players to continue talks. They will resume training camp opened on Tuesday, less than three weeks away, bears and rams preseason opener between the scheduled Aug. 7 in Canton, Ohio.